Descubre tu nivel de Inglés Gratis

Examen rápido para medir tu nivel de Inglés gratis

¿Quieres saber cuánto inglés sabes? o ¿Quieres empezar a estudiar inglés y no sabes por donde empezar? En este test rápido de inglés en cuestión de minutos sabras tu nivel de Inglés.


  • Selecciona la respuesta correcta a las preguntas
  • Si no quieres responder una pregunta la puedes dejar en blanco
  • Cuando termines presiona en el botón “See Results” y recibirás tu nivel de inglés medido en porcentaje.
  • Tu porcentaje aparecerá encima de la primera pregunta del Test

Luego que obtengas tu resultado compáralo en la siguiente tabla para empezar a estudiar inglés en nuestro curso gratuito.

10% o menos A1 – Puedes comenzar en la Lección 1
11% a 30%A1 Puedes comenzar en la Lección 2 (en construcción)
31% a 50%A2 Puedes comenzar en la Lección 5 (en construcción)
51% a 90%B1 Puedes continuar en la Lección 8 (en Construcción)
91% a 100%B2 + Por el momento nuestro curso es hasta el nivel B2
Los resultados son aproximados

Buena Suerte puedes continuar con el Test rápido de Inglés. Tu resultado aparecerá debajo de este texto.



#1. Choose the right sentence: ? There's only one correct answer

The right answer is “What is this? This is a book”-


“What is this? This is book”: We need to use undefined article “a” when we talk about one thing.

“What is those? Those is books” and “What is this? This is books”: The object is in plural while still using the verb to be “is” in singular.

#2. That pencil is ____________ ? Complete the sentence

The correct answer is “mine”

When the possessive word goes at the end of the sentence then it is use “mine” instead of “my”

#3. Where _______________? ? Choose the right answer

The right answer is “Does your mother work?

Mother is in third person singular therefore Does must be used.

#4. Her apartment is ___________ mine

#5. What _________ say to James? ? Complete the sentence

The right answer is “Should I”

This is a question therefore after the question word “what”, a verb to be, an auxiliary or a modal verb must be added before the subject.

#6. Choose the right answer ? Only one sentence is correct

The right answer is “He has a korean car”.

The order of a sentence is: subject-verb-complement

“He” is in third person singular, so “has” must be used instead of “have”

#7. _________ are smart and friendly animals

#8. I _________ the vase while I _________. ? Complete the sentence

The right answer is “broke / was cleaning”

When using while and the first verb is in past, then the second part of the sentence after while must be in past participle

#9. It happened very quickly. I couldn’t see___________. ? Complete the sentence

The correct answer is Anything.

As the modal verb “Could” is negative “Couldn’t” the only possible answer is “anything”.

Nothing, Something, No one can’t be use with negative verb or modal verb.

#10. Emily is not here. __________ to the shop. ? Complete the sentence

The right answer is “She’s gone”.

“She’s” is the contraction of the Present perfect “She has” the following verb must be in Past Participle form.

In this specific case the correct verb is “gone”, because she’s gone to the shop.

#11. She ________ to arrive tomorrow

#12. What have you been doing? ? Choose the right answer

The Correct Answer is: Nothing. I’ve just arrived.

This sentence is the only Grammarly correct answer

#13. I didn’t want it before, but now ____________

#14. I’m exhausted. It’s been _____________ long journey. ? Complete the sentence

The right answer is: such a

As Journey is a singular noun “a” should be used after “such”.

“So much” and “such” just doesn’t make sense in this specific case.

To be able to use “so” the whole sentence must be changed like this: The journey has been so long.


#15. I wish you _________ so late. I’m tired of always waiting for you. ? Complete the sentence

The only possible answer is “Wouldn’t always arrive”

#16. Select the INCORRECT option ? There is only one incorrect sentence

The only Incorrect sentence is: “It’s that we did wait for help”

#17. ________ won him many enemies. ? Complete the sentence

The only possible answer is: What he wrote.

The rest of the option don’t make sense in this specific case.

#18. ___________ to be a lot of confusion and misinformation about the accident. ? Complete the sentence

The only possible answer is: There seems

Other options are grammatically incorrect.

#19. __________ should be angry, not you!

#20. I need to get someone to fix my computer ? Answer to the speaker

The only possible answer is: You can have it fixed at the mall.

The rest of the options are grammatically incorrect.

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